Many, many years ago, about 14 or so, YouTube recommended a video of a cute blonde playing the ukulele and having a lot of fun with her friends. I completely blame my ukulele addiction on Julia Nunes. That video triggered something in my creative side and I was off to find myself an ukulele and learn how to play.
Julia had won the first Bushman ukulele contest and I watched the excitement in her unboxing video. And then I saw a couple of the members of the
Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain were playing Bushman ukuleles. Within a few months I had seen both Julia and the UOGB live in concert. And set my heart on getting my own Bushman ukulele.

I entered the Bushman contest, hoping to win a gift certificate toward one of these beauties. And did okay with my original song, I Learned to Play the Ukulele on the Internet, but not well enough to place. After reading horror stories about the lack of customer service, instruments never seeming to be in stock and all sorts of other issues, including no longer making or marketing the Bushman ukuleles, I gave up on my dream.
I guess I tried to fill the void with all sorts of other ukuleles and was the start of my UAS. But a recent post on FB Marketplace has brought this pretty little thing to my home, and I am very happy about it. I know it isn’t my best instrument, certainly not my most expensive, but it will always have a very special place in my heart.
Will it cure my UAS? Only time will tell. But somehow, I doubt it!